Far East Film Festival. A Udine dal 20 al 28 aprile 2018


far east film 20

Vent’anni fa. Sul tema è stato già detto tutto, forse anche di più. Canzoni. Aforismi prêt-à-porter. Libri. Film. La nostalgia ti aspetta dietro l’angolo, pronta a tenderti un agguato, ed esiste un unico modo per evitarla (o, quantomeno, per attutirne l’impatto): trasformare “vent’anni fa” in “tra vent’anni”. Ecco perché il Far East Film Festival, simulando una certa noncuranza di fronte a quel 20 che campeggia nel logo, ha scelto di muoversi lungo una linea diversa. Lontana dalle tentazioni autocelebrative, lontana dal reducismo e, pur senza disporre dell’apposita sfera di cristallo, indirizzata verso il futuro: cos’è il cinema oggi e cosa sarà, appunto, tra vent’anni?

Il modo in cui l’industria cinematografica sta sfruttando il prodotto-film sta cambiando necessariamente anche il prodotto-film. E, va da sé, il pubblico sta subendo una rapida mutazione genetica, determinata in larga parte dalle piattaforme on demand. Netfilx e Amazon su tutte. Per parlare al “nuovo pubblico”, che è già il “pubblico di domani”, servono dunque nuovi linguaggi (non è certo difficile scommettere sulla grammatica della serialità), nuovi autori e nuovi registi. Magari, perché no, proprio i nuovi autori e i nuovi registi che quest’anno affollano la line-up del FEFF.

Il dato è davvero impressionante: 21 dei 55 titoli in concorso, su 81 titoli complessivi, sono opere prime o seconde. Un autentico tesoro. Un autentico vivaio di cineasti asiatici del futuro che hanno fatto di tutto per approdare a Udine e che Udine ha fatto di tutto per arruolare! Non era mai capitato nella lunga storia del Far East Film Festival e il Far East Film Festival, guardando avanti, ha deciso di non sottoporre i “Fab 21” soltanto all’esame degli spettatori (da sempre, ricordiamo, arbitri supremi della classifica finale), ma anche di una giuria internazionale altamente qualificata. Tre i componenti: il produttore hongkonghese Albert Lee, il produttore americano Peter Loehr e lo sceneggiatore italiano Massimo Gaudioso, firma storica del cinema di Garrone. Ai tradizionali audience awards udinesi per il miglior film, il Gelso d’oro assegnato dal pubblico e il Gelso nero assegnato dagli accreditati Black Dragon, si aggiungerà quindi il Gelso bianco per la migliore opera prima o seconda assegnato da Lee, Loehr e Gaudioso. Una piccola rivoluzione che porta chiaramente in sé qualcosa di più grande: tutte le radici che il FEFF ha piantato, curato e visto crescere dal 1999.

10+10. Una somma. Una somma di capitoli, di esperienze, di viaggi, ma anche (soprattutto?) una somma di lontananze, geografiche e culturali, che la matematica si è divertita a fondere assieme. Oriente e Occidente. Europa e Asia. Udine e il mondo. Asimmetrie più armoniche di quanto sembri. Gemelli non certo identici ma, comunque, gemelli. Ed eccoli, appunto, i due gemelli, le due icone di somiglianza/differenza che il grafico Roberto Rosolin ha tradotto nell’immagine ufficiale del Far East Film Festival 20.

Due corpi quasi nudi che si stagliano contro uno sfondo bianco, bianchissimo, a raccontare senza orpelli una storia di persone e di passione. Uno spazio d’incontro. Una somma. Toccherà alla dea Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia il compito di tagliare simbolicamente il nastro della ventesima edizione, attesissima a Udine dal 20 al 28 aprile, e Udine, per 9 giorni, si trasformerà ancora una volta nell’epicentro europeo del cinema asiatico.

9 giorni di film e di incontri, al Teatro Nuovo e al Visionario, 9 giorni di eventi, disseminati nel cuore della città, per continuare a scoprire le somiglianze nelle differenze e le differenze nelle somiglianze. Per continuare a sommare persone e passione. La passione di una Opening Night davvero memorabile, davvero unica al mondo, con il super action coreano Steel Rain che nessuno ha mai visto – e mai più vedrà – sullo schermo di un cinema, perché abita dentro il perimetro invalicabile di Netflix (ne parlavamo giusto qualche riga fa), e con il dramma malesiano Crossroads: One Two Jaga. La passione di una Closing Night altrettanto memorabile, altrettanto unica, perché riassume tutto il senso del FEFF 20: lo sguardo puntato sul futuro, con il thriller indonesiano Night Bus (un’opera seconda), e il cuore fedelissimo al passato, con il restauro dello splendido Throw Down di Johnnie To (è una vera e propria missione, ormai: dopo Made in Hong Kong, riportato letteralmente alla luce l’anno scorso, è il secondo restauro che impegna il festival e L’immagine ritrovata di Bologna).

La passione di un programma tanto intenso quanto diversificato, messo a punto nell’arco di un anno intero operando su mille fronti: quello geografico (11 cinematografie: Cina, Corea del Sud, Filippine, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Giappone, Malesia, Singapore, Thailandia, Taiwan, Vietnam), quello artistico (5 anteprime mondiali, 13 internazionali, 22 europee, 3 anteprime mondiali di film restaurati), quello tecnico (a proposito di futuro: sono 14 i titoli selezionati per Focus Asia, il project market del FEFF, e 15 i professionisti selezionati per Ties That Bind, il workshop internazionale Asia-Europa – più di 150 i partecipanti, da 35 paesi). La passione di chi ama il cinema, insomma, non solo di chi ama il cinema asiatico. Una passione che coinvolgerà molto più direttamente anche l’area del Visionario, con un programma ad hoc pensato per gli accreditati ma anche per il pubblico “regolare”.

Un viaggio a Oriente nel viaggio a Oriente, se così possiamo definirlo, dove troveranno spazio tantissimi gioielli: dalla retrospettiva sulla regina Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia alla piccola monografia su Ryuichi Sakamoto, senza dimenticare i colori dell’erotismo (ritornano i pink movies, ritorna la Pink Night!) e i sapori del “lontano Est”. Per tutta la durata del festival, infatti, il Visionario diventerà la succursale udinese di Casa Ramen, il celebre ristorante milanese dello chef Luca Catalfamo! Prima di essere un festival, d’altronde, il FEFF è sempre stato una festa. Una grande festa del cinema che non ha mai smesso di traghettare in terra friulana autentiche leggende (come Jackie Chan e Joe Hisaishi), registi cult (come Johnnie To e Takashi Miike), dive e divi, professionisti dell’industria cinematografica e, ovviamente, la devotissima FEFF tribe: l’incredibile comunità di spettatori che ha progressivamente diffuso il nome del Far East Film Festival nel mondo. Ben prima che il mondo si trovasse a portata di social network. L’Asia è sempre lontana, certo, il cinema di vent’anni fa è già storia e, per sapere cosa sarà il cinema tra vent’anni, gli spettatori dovranno seguire il FEFF ancora a lungo. Poi, magari, chissà: il battito d’ala di una farfalla a Udine, in un film del festival, potrebbe anche terremotare il cinema in tutta Europa!


Competition Section CHINA (10) A Better Tomorrow 2018, DING Sheng, “Wooist” crime drama, China 2018, Italian Premiere Brotherhood of Blades II: The Infernal Battlefield, LU Yang, vibrant wuxia murder drama, China 2017, European Premiere City of Rock, DA Peng, save-the-guitar rock comedy, China 2017, International Festival Premiere * The Legend of the Demon Cat, Chen KAIGE, period-fantasy-extravaganza, China 2017, Italian Premiere [with Asian and Latin American FF Milano] Love Education, Sylvia CHANG, generational drama, China 2017, European Premiere Never Say Die, SONG Yang, ZHANG Chiyu, exchange-of-souls comedy, China 2017, European Premiere * Transcendent, ZHANG LinZi, philosophical Sci-Fi drama, China 2018, European Premiere * Wolf Warrior II, WU Jing, record-breaking super action-war adventure, China 2017, International Festival Premiere Wrath of Silence, XIN Yukun, silent-hero-suspense drama, China 2017, Italian Premiere Youth, FENG Xiaogang, generational epic saga, China 2017, Italian Premiere HONG KONG/CHINA (2) Operation Red Sea, Dante LAM, smash ‘em all battlefield action, China/HK 2018, International Festival Premiere Our Time Will Come, Ann HUI, anti-Japanese resistance Hong Kong drama, HK/China 2017, Italian Premiere HONG KONG (2) The Empty Hands, Chapman TO, karate drama, Hong Kong 2017, European Premiere * No. 1 Chung Ying Street, Derek CHIU, political historical drama, Hong Kong 2018, European Premiere INDONESIA (3) My Generation, UPI, coming of age drama, Indonesia 2017, International Premiere Night Bus, Emil HERADI, hellish war zone voyage, Indonesia 2017, International Premiere * CLOSING FILM Satan’s Slaves, Joko ANWAR, ghosts&demons horror, Indonesia 2017, Italian Premiere JAPAN (10) The 8-Year Engagement, ZEZE Takahisa, tearjerker romance, Japan 2017, International Premiere The Blood of Wolves, SHIRAISHI Kazuya, cop-vs-gangster crime action, Japan 2018, World Premiere Inuyashiki, SATO Shinsuke, cyborg-action Sci-Fi, Japan 2018, Italian Premiere Mori, The Artist’s Habitat, OKITA Shuichi, true-to-life ecotherapy biopic, Japan 2018, European Premiere The Name, TODA Akihiro, multi-layered mystery-drama, Japan 2018, International Premiere One Cut of the Dead, UEDA Shinichiro, offbeat zombie mayhem, Japan 2018, World Premiere The Scythian Lamb, YOSHIDA Daihachi, small town dystopic suspense, Japan 2017, European Premiere Side Job., HIROKI Ryuichi, lyrical drama, Japan 2017, European Premiere Tremble All You Want, OOKU Akiko, politically incorrect romance, Japan 2017, European Premiere Yocho (Foreboding), KUROSAWA Kiyoshi, sophisticated Sci-Fi mystery, Japan 2017, Italian Premiere MALAYSIA (1) Crossroads: One Two Jaga, Nam RON, police&thieves drama, Malaysia 2018, World Premiere OPENING NIGHT SOUTH KOREA (13) 1987: When the Day Comes, JANG Joon-hwan, “cry for democracy” historical drama, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere The Battleship Island: Director’s Cut, RYOO Seung-wan, exuberant period action, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere Be with You, LEE Jang-hoon, star-crossed romance, South Korea 2018, European Premiere * The Chase, KIM Hong-sun, old-age-cop thriller, South Korea 2017, World Festival Premiere Forgotten, JANG Hang-jun, quirky thriller, South Korea 2017, World Festival Premiere Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum, JUNG Bum-shik, POV horror, South Korea 2018, International Festival Premiere Last Child, SHIN Dong-seok, powerful and emotional drama, South Korea 2018, Italian Premiere * Little Forest, YIM Soon-rye, bittersweet foody drama, South Korea 2018, European Premiere Midnight Runners, Jason KIM, upbeat action comedy, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere The Outlaws, KANG Yoon-sung, punch-fest action comedy, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere * The Running Actress, MOON So-ri, film world dramedy, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere * A Special Lady, LEE An-gyu, action noir, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere * Steel Rain, YANG Woo-seok, espionage action-thriller, South Korea 2017, World Festival Premiere* OPENING FILM THE PHILIPPINES (3) Chedeng and Apple, Rae RED & Fatrick TABADA, thelma&louise-black-comedy, The Philippines 2018, International Premiere* The Portrait, Loy ARCENAS, musical drama, The Philippines 2017, European Premiere Smaller and Smaller Circles, Raya MARTIN, priests vs serial killer, The Philippines 2017, European Premiere SINGAPORE (2) Diamond Dogs, Gavin LIM, brutal action thriller, Singapore 2017, International Premiere * Wonder Boy, Dick LEE & Daniel YAM, musical biopic, Singapore 2017, European Premiere * TAIWAN (5) All Because of Love, LIEN Yi-chi, coming-of-age romance, Taiwan 2017, European Premiere Dear Ex, Mag HSU & HSU Chih-yen, family drama, Taiwan 2018, World Premiere * Gatao 2: Rise of the King, YEN Cheng Kuo, gangster action, Taiwan 2018, International Premiere * On Happiness Road, SUNG Hsin Yin, autobiographical animation, Taiwan 2018, European Premiere * Take Me to the Moon, HSIEH Chun-Yi, offbeat youth romance, Taiwan 2017, European Premiere * THAILAND (3) Bad Genius, Nattawut POONPIRIYA, school swindle thriller, Thailand 2017, Italian Premiere * The Promise, Sophon SAKDAPHISIT, ghostly revenge horror, Thailand 2017, Italian Premiere Sad Beauty, Bongkod BENCHARONGKUL, female relationship crime drama, Thailand 2018, International Premiere * VIETNAM (1) The Tailor, Buu Loc TRAN, Kay NGUYEN, once-upon-a-time-in-Saigon, Vietnam 2017, Italian Premiere* Out of Competition DOCUMENTARIES (5) Courtesy to the Nation, GWON Gyung-won, historical documentary, South Korea 2017, International Premiere Ramen Heads, SHIGENO Koki, maniacs for noodles, Japan 2017, Italian Premiere [with Trento Film Festival] RYUICHI SAKAMOTO: async AT THE PARK AVENUE ARMORY, Stephen Nomura Schible, concert, USA/Japan 2018, Italian Premiere Ryuichi Sakamoto: CODA, Stephen Nomura Schible, a-look-into-the-genius, USA/Japan 2017 SUKITA: The Shoot Must Go On, AIHARA Hiro, photographing the rockstars, Japan 2018, World Premiere BRIGITTE LIN CHING HSIA. HERE COMES THE ICON! (6) The Bride with White Hair, Ronny YU, action-fantasy-wuxia, Hong Kong 1993 Chungking Express, WONG Kar-wai, pop romance drama, Hong Kong 1994 Cloud of Romance, CHEN Hung-lieh, romantic melodrama, Taiwan 1977 – restored copy 2018, European Premiere Dragon Inn, Raymond LEE, wuxia action, Hong Kong 1992 Red Dust, YIM Ho, historical drama, Hong Kong 1990 – restored copy 2012, European Premiere Outside the Window, SUNG Tsun-shou, YOK Teng-heung, melodrama, Taiwan 1973 – restored copy 2018, European Premiere INFO SCREENING (2) My Heart Is That Eternal Rose, Patrick TAM, drama, Hong Kong 1989 Veteran, RYOO Seung-wan, action drama, South Korea 2015 CHINA NOW: NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE (4) 25, XIAO Yao, experimental short, China 2017, European Premiere Canton Novelty, FANG Lu, short drama, China 2017, European Premiere The Foolish Bird, HUANG Ji, RYUJI Otsuka, drama, China 2017, Italian Premiere Self Portrait Birth in 47km, ZHANG Mengqi, documentary, China 2017, Italian Premiere FRESH WAVE SHORTS (3) Bright Spring Days, YEH Ka-lun, Hong Kong 2018, International Premiere Fires, HO Chung-ken, Hong Kong 2018, International Premiere Goodbye, LAM Hei-chun, Hong Kong 2018, International Premiere RESTORED CLASSICS (6) Throw Down, Johnnie TO, martial arts noir, Hong Kong 2004 – restored version 2018, World Premiere CLOSING NIGHT Blue Film Woman, MUKAI Kan, pink eiga (erotic movie), Japan 1969 – restored version 2018, World Premiere Women Hell Song, WATANABE Mamoru, pink eiga (erotic movie), Japan 1970 – restored version 2018, World Premiere Tampopo, ITAMI Juzo, ramen “western” comedy, Japan 1985 – restored version 2015, Italian Premiere Himala, Ishmael BERNAL, religion and fanaticism, The Philippines 1982 – restored version 2012 Moral, Marilou DIAZ-ABAYA, drama, The Philippines 1982 – restored version 2017, European Premiere




(10) A Better Tomorrow 2018, DING Sheng, “Wooist” crime drama, China 2018, Italian Premiere Brotherhood of Blades II: The Infernal Battlefield, Yang LU, vibrant wuxia murder drama, China 2017, European Premiere City of Rock, DA Peng, save-the-guitar rock comedy, China 2017, International Festival Premiere * The Legend of the Demon Cat, Chen KAIGE, period-fantasy-extravaganza, China 2017, Italian Premiere [with Asian and Latin American FF Milano] Never Say Die, SONG Yang, ZHANG Chiyu, exchange-of-souls comedy, China 2017, European Premiere * Love Education, Sylvia CHANG, generational drama, China 2017, European Premiere Transcendent, ZHANG LinZi, philosophical Sci-Fi drama, China 2018, European Premiere * Wolf Warrior II,WU Jing, record-breaking super action-war adventure, China 2017, International Festival Premiere Wrath of Silence, XIN Yukun, silent-hero-suspense drama, China 2017, Italian Premiere Youth, FENG Xiaogang, generational epic saga, China 2017, Italian Premiere HONG KONG/CHINA (2) Operation Red Sea,Dante LAM, smash ‘em all battlefield action, China/HK 2018, International Festival Premiere Our Time Will Come, Ann HUI, anti-Japanese resistance Hong Kong drama, HK/China 2017, Italian Premiere HONG KONG (2) The Empty Hands, Chapman TO, karate drama, Hong Kong 2017, European Premiere * No. 1 Chung Ying Street, Derek CHIU, political historical drama, Hong Kong 2018, European Premiere INDONESIA (3) My Generation, UPI, coming of age drama, Indonesia 2017, International Premiere Night Bus, Emil HERADI, hellish war zone voyage, Indonesia 2017, International Premiere * Closing Film Satan’s Slaves, Joko ANWAR, ghosts&demons horror, Indonesia 2017, Italian Premiere JAPAN (10) The 8-Year Engagement, ZEZE Takahisa, tearjerker romance, Japan 2017, International Premiere The Blood of Wolves, SHIRAISHI Kazuya, cop-vs-gangster crime action, Japan 2018, World Premiere Yocho (Foreboding), KUROSAWA Kiyoshi,sofisticated Sci-Fi mystery, Japan 2017, Italian Premiere Inuyashiki, SATO Shinsuke, cyborg-action Sci-Fi, Japan 2018, Italian Premiere Mori, The Artist’s Habitat, OKITA Shuichi, true-to-life ecotherapy biopic, Japan 2018, European Premiere The Name, TODA Akihiro, multi-layered mystery-drama, Japan 2018, International Premiere One Cut of the Dead, UEDA Shinichiro, offbeat zombie mayhem, Japan 2018, World Premiere The Scythian Lamb, YOSHIDA Daihachi,small town dystopic suspense, Japan 2017, European Premiere Side Job., HIROKI Ryuichi, lyrical drama, Japan 2017, European Premiere Tremble All You Want, OOKU Akiko, politically incorrect romance, Japan 2017, European Premiere MALAYSIA (1) Crossroads: One Two Jaga, Nam RON, police&thieves drama, Malaysia 2018, World Premiere 10 SOUTH KOREA (13) 1987: When the Day Comes, JANG Joon-hwan, “cry for democracy” historical drama, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere The Battleship Island: Director’s Cut, RYOO Seung-wan, exuberant period action, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere Be with You, LEE Jang-hoon, star-crossed romance, South Korea 2018, European Premiere * The Chase, KIM Hong-sun, old-age-cop thriller, South Korea 2017, World Festival Premiere Forgotten, JANG Hang-jun, quirky thriller, South Korea 2017, World Festival Premiere Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum, JUNG Bum-shik, POV horror, South Korea 2018, International Festival Premiere Last Child, SHIN Dong-seok, powerful and emotional drama, South Korea 2018, Italian Premiere * Little Forest, YIM Soon-rye, bittersweet foody drama, South Korea 2018, European Premiere Midnight Runners, Jason KIM, upbeat action comedy, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere The Outlaws, KANG Yoon-sung, punch-fest action comedy, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere * The Running Actress, MOON So-ri, film world dramedy, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere * A Special Lady, LEE An-gyu, action noir, South Korea 2017, Italian Premiere * Steel Rain, YANG Woo-seok, espionage action-thriller, South Korea 2017, World Festival Premiere* Opening Film THE PHILIPPINES (3) Chedeng and Apple, Rae RED & Fatrick TABADA, thelma&louise-black-comedy, The Philippines 2018, International Premiere* The Portrait, Loy ARCENAS, musical drama, The Philippines 2017, European Premiere Smaller and Smaller Circles, Raya MARTIN, priests vs serial killer, The Philippines 2017, European Premiere SINGAPORE (2) Diamond Dogs, Gavin LIM, brutal action thriller, Singapore 2017, International Premiere * Wonder Boy, Dick LEE & Daniel YAM, musical biopic, Singapore 2017, European Premiere * TAIWAN (5) All Because of Love, LIEN Yi-chi, coming-of-age romance, Taiwan 2017, European Premiere Dear Ex, Mag HSU & HSU Chih-yen, family drama, Taiwan 2018, World Premiere * Gatao 2: Rise of the King, YENCheng Kuo, gangster action, Taiwan 2018, International Premiere * On Happiness Road, SUNG Hsin Yin, autobiographical animation, Taiwan 2018, European Premiere * Take Me to the Moon, HSIEH Chun-Yi, offbeat youth romance, Taiwan 2017, European Premiere * THAILAND (3) Bad Genius, Nattawut POONPIRIYA, school swindle thriller, Thailand 2017, Italian Premiere * The Promise, Sophon SAKDAPHISIT, ghostly revenge horror, Thailand 2017, Italian Premiere Sad Beauty, Bongkod BENCHARONGKUL, female relationship crime drama, Thailand 2018, International Premiere * VIETNAM (1) The Tailor, Buu Loc TRAN, Kay NGUYEN, once-upon-a-time-in-Saigon, Vietnam 2017, Italian Premiere* 11

OUT OF COMPETITION DOCUMENTARIES (5) Courtesy to the Nation, KWON Gyeong-won, historical documentary, South Korea 2017, International Premiere Ramen Heads, Koki SHIGENO, maniacs for noodles, Japan 2017, Italian Premiere [with Trento Film Festival] RYUICHI SAKAMOTO: async AT THE PARK AVENUE ARMORY, Stephen Nomura Schible, concert, USA/Japan 2018, Italian Premiere Ryuichi Sakamoto: CODA, Stephen Nomura Schible, a-look-into-the-genius, USA/Japan 2017 SUKITA: The Shoot Must Go On, AIHARA Hiro, photographing the rockstars, Japan 2018, World Premiere BRIGITTE LIN CHING HSIA. HERE COMES THE ICON! (6) The Bride with White Hair, Ronny YU, action-fantasy-wuxia, Hong Kong 1993 Cloud of Romance, CHEN Hung-lieh, romantic melodrama, Hong Kong 1977 – restored copy 2018, European Premiere Chungking Express, WONG Kar-wai, pop romance drama, Hong Kong 1994 Dragon Inn, Raymond LEE, wuxia action, Hong Kong 1992 Red Dust, YIM Ho, historical drama, Hong Kong 1990 – restored copy 2012, European Premiere Outside the Window, SUNG Tsun-shou, YOK Teng-heung, melodrama, Taiwan 1973 – restored copy 2018, European Premiere INFO SCREENING (2) My Heart Is That Eternal Rose, Patrick TAM, drama, Hong Kong 1989 Veteran, RYOO Seung-wan, action drama, South Korea 2015 CHINA NOW: NOT FOR COMMERCIAL USE (4) 25, XIAO Yao, experimental short, China 2017, European Premiere Canton Novelty, FANG Lu, short drama, China 2017, European Premiere The Foolish Bird, HUANG Ji, RYUJI Otsuka, drama, China 2017, Italian Premiere Self Portrait Birth in 47km, ZHANG Mengqi, documentary, China 2017, Italian Premiere FRESH WAVE SHORTS (3) Bright Spring Days, YEH Ka-lun, Hong Kong 2018, International Premiere Fires, HO Chung-ken, Hong Kong 2018, International Premiere Goodbye, LAM Hei-chun, Hong Kong 2018, International Premiere RESTORED CLASSICS (6) Throw Down, Johnnie TO, martial arts noir, Hong Kong 2004 – restored version 2018, World Premiere Blue Film Woman, MUKAI Kan, pink eiga (erotic movie), Japan 1969 – restored version 2018, World Premiere Women Hell Song, WATANABE Mamoru, pink eiga (erotic movie), Japan 1970 – restored version 2018, World Premiere Tampopo, ITAMI Juzo, ramen “western” comedy, Japan 1989 – restored version 2015, Italian Premiere Himala, Ishmael BERNAL, religion and fanaticism, The Philippines 1982 – restored version 2012 Moral, Marilou DIAZ-ABAYA, drama, The Philippines 1982 – restored version 2017, European Premiere WORLD PREMIERE = First Screening in the world: 5 WORLD PREMIERE RESTORED FILMS = First Screening in the world : 3 WORLD FESTIVAL PREMIERE = First Screening in film festival in the world: 3 INTERNATIONAL PREMIERE = First screening outside the country of origin: 9 INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL PREMIERE = First festival screening in the world: 4 EUROPEAN PREMIERE = First public screening in Europe: 22 ITALIAN PREMIERE = First public screening in Italy: 23 TOTAL FILM IN COMPETITION: 55 – TOTAL FILMS: 81 *White Mulberry Award for First time or second time director 12 ALL THE FEFF STARS 2018 CHINA DING Sheng, director, A Better Tomorrow 2018 ZHANG LinZi, director, Transcendent LIANG Shuang, sound designer, Transcendent FENG Jian, line producer, Transcendent CUI Hongtao, project-in-charge, Transcendent XIN Yukun, director, Wrath of Silence SUN Pei, DJ Pei HONG KONG Brigitte LIN Ching Hsia, actress, Outside the Window, Cloud of Romance, Red Dust, Dragon Inn, Bride with White Hair, Chungking Express *Golden Mulberry for Lifetime Achievement Award Nansun SHI, producer Kim ROBINSON, hair-stylist and artist Chapman TO, director, The Empty Hands John SHAM, producer, My Heart is That Eternal Rose Derek CHIU, director, No. 1 Chung Ying Street Johnnie TO, director, producer, Throw Down YEH Ka-lun, director, Fresh Wave: Bright Spring Days HO Chung-ken, director, Fresh Wave: Fires LAM Hei-chun, director, Fresh Wave: Goodbye INDONESIA Arya VASCO, actor, My Generation George TIMOTHY, co-producer, My Generation Emil HERALDI, director, Night Bus JAPAN HIROKI Ryuichi, director, Side Job. TODA Akihiro, director, The Name YOSHIDA Daihachi, director, The Scythian Lamb OOKU Akiko, director, Tremble All You Want UEDA Shinichiro, director, One Cut of the Dead ICHIHASHI Koji, producer, One Cut of the Dead ICHIHARA Hiroshi, actor, One Cut of the Dead OSAWA Sinichiro, actor, One Cut of the Dead SHUHAMA Harumi, actress, One Cut of the Dead TAKEHARA Yoshiko, actress, One Cut of the Dead YOSHIDA Miki, actress, One Cut of the Dead Adam TOREL, representative, One Cut of the Dead TAKAMIYA Eitetsu, DJ 13 THE PHILIPPINES Rae RED, director, Chedeng & Apple Fatrick TABADA, director, Chedeng & Apple Bianca BALBUENA, producer, Chedeng & Apple Elizabeth OROPESA, actress, Chedeng & Apple Gloria DIAZ, actress, Chedeng & Apple Don FRASCO, director of photography, Chedeng & Apple Loy ARCENAS, director, The Portrait Alemberg ANG, producer, The Portrait Girlie RODIS, executive producer and producer, The Portrait Rachel ALEJANDRO, actress and executive producer, The Portrait Celeste LEGASPI, actress and executive producer, The Portrait Ryan CAYABYAB, music composer, The Portrait Ria LIMJAP, writer and producer, Smaller and Smaller Circles Nick DEOCAMPO, filmmaker, producer, author, film literacy advocate, director of Center for New Cinema SINGAPORE Gavin LIM, director, Diamond Dogs Emily MOH, producer, Diamond Dogs SOUTH KOREA JANG Joon-hwan, director, 1987: When the Day Comes RYOO Seung-wan, director, The Battleship Island – Veteran HWANG Jung-min, actor, The Battleship Island – Veteran CHO Sung-min, producer, The Battleship Island LEE Jang-hoon, director, Be With You JANG Hang-jun, director, Forgotten YIM Soon-rye, director, Little Forest Jenna KU, producer, Little Forest – The Running Actress Jason KIM, director, Midnight Runners JUNG Jin Ho, music composer, Midnight Runners KANG Yoon-sung, director, The Outlaws MIN Moo-je, actor, The Outlaws Billy ACUMEN, producer, The Outlaws MOON So-ri, director and actress, The Running Actress LEE An-gyu, director, A Special Lady YANG Woo-seok, director, Steel Rain JUNG Woo-sung, actor, Steel Rain KWAK Do-won, actor, Steel Rain SUN Young, producer, Steel Rain KWON Gyeong-won, director, Courtesy of the Nation Ancco, graphic novelist 14 TAIWAN HSU Chih-yen, director, Dear Ex Mag HSU, director, Dear Ex Maggie PAN, producer, Dear Ex YEN Cheng Kuo, director, Gatao 2: Rise of the King HUANG Shang Ho, actor, Gatao 2: Rise of the King Sylvia CHANG, director, screenwriter and actress, Love Education Patricia CHENG, producer, Love Education SUNG Hsin Yin, director, On Happiness Road THAILAND Bongkod BENCHARONGKUL, director, Sad Beauty Boonchai BENCHARONGKUL, executive producer, Sad Beauty WHITE MULBERRY AWARD JURY Massimo GAUDIOSO, screenwriter and director – Italy Albert LEE, producer and distributor – Hong Kong Peter LOEHR, producer and distributor – USA ITALY Luca Catalfamo, Ramen Chef SLOVENIA Matjaz Tancic, “3DPRK” EXHIBITION